I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Purdue University, affiliated with the PurSec Lab and CERIAS. My research interests include wireless network security, IoT security and privacy, systems and software security, and machine learning.
I earned both my M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from Sabanci University. Previously, I worked as a Research Intern at Purdue University under the supervision of Dr. Z. Berkay Celik. During this internship, we developed a secure and robust context-based group pairing scheme for heterogeneous IoT devices. Our work, titled “One Key to Rule Them All: Secure Group Pairing for Heterogeneous IoT Devices” was accepted to IEEE S&P 2023.
Download my resumé.
M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2022
Sabanci University
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2019
Sabanci University